Wednesday, March 31, 2010

"The Female Brain" Novel by Louann Brizendine, M.D.

Information regarding Dr. Brizendine's novel and its connection to Neuroscience coming soon.

1 comment:

  1. Hey there! I'm finishing up this fascinating read. It's a non-fiction work about the workings of the female brain at important life stages: birth-toddler; early & middle childhood; puberty/adolescence; the reproductive years; menopause and post-menopause. It's amazing how hormones and chemicals dictate to a certain extent behaviour. My daughter's about to turn 13 and she turned into a psycho overnight! Now I know why: her brain is being bathed in estrogens and testosterone. This explains her cyclical 'tearful/aggressive/tearful/aggressive' mood! Oh well, only about 8 more years of it.....
